Volunteering SA&NT

SA State Volunteering Conference – Event Program available now. Click here to find out more.

Resources Hub


Need more help?
You’ve come to the right place

The Volunteering Resource Hub, an initiative of Volunteering Australia, brings together useful, evidence-based and current best practice resources, tools, research and information to support effective volunteer management.

The Resource Hub includes over 350 relevant, useful and accessible resources including policies, procedures, tools, videos, templates, guides, research and information to assist with all stages of managing volunteers.

The Resource Hub aims to bring evidence of best practice in volunteer management to one central place. The resources included will help volunteer managers embrace the National Standards of Volunteer Involvement in their everyday practice.

Knowledge Base is a source of volunteer management information and resources, with editable templates, checklists, procedures, and policies that can be adapted to your team and organisation. Resources cover each stage of the volunteer-involvement process from recruitment to recognition.

This national collaboration is dedicated to delivering a consistent approach to volunteer management excellence. All resources are aligned with the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement, and include editable templates, checklists, procedures, and policies that can be adapted to your team and organisation.

New additions to Knowledge Base include:

Click below to access more best practice volunteer management resources.

Disability Inclusive Management Guide

VSA&NT is delighted to release an invaluable guide to support volunteer involving organisations better recruit volunteers living with disability. Developed by the team from JFA Purple Orange, the guide provides information on disability awareness, inclusive recruitment and on-boarding processes.

For further support to create an inclusive and diverse volunteer team, contact joni.cotrell@vsant.org.au.


You may have further queries about volunteering, as a volunteer involving organisation – or maybe you want to volunteer. Many answers to common questions are right here.

We welcome your feedback and will continually review, improve and grow the resources over time.

Sport and Recreation volunteering resources to help sports attract and support volunteers

The Australian Sports Commission and the Sport Volunteer Coalition have launched a Sport Volunteer Resource Hub. A one-stop-shop, designed to bring together useful resources, tools and practical tips and tricks in one place.

These resources will assist you to attract, retain and celebrate volunteers.

Engaging new arrival migrants as volunteers

Hear from new arrival migrants about their volunteer journey in Australia. They share the reasons why they started volunteering and provide suggestions on how organisations can better engage new arrival migrants as volunteers.

Click here to listen to more volunteer journeys.